Cambridge SolFed at Strawberry Fair Saturday 2nd June 2018

Cambridge Solidarity Federation will have a stall in Scarecrow Corner at this year's Strawberry Fair, 12noon onwards, Saturday 2nd June 2018.

In between enjoying the music and the beer tent, call in and see us for some lighthearted anarcho-syndicalist banter.

We should also have info on local grassroots housing campaigns.

Also info on upcoming 2nd Cambridge Radical Bookfair on 17th June at Portland

Solfed Housing Campaign


Tenancy agreements often include expensive clauses for things such as the inventory of
the property, having the property professionally cleaned when you leave, and for
various ‘administration’ tasks such as setting up your tenancy, renewing your contract,
and ‘checking in’ and ‘checking out’ of your tenancy.


Support Rail Guards Strike

Rail guards on the 3rd October took action to protect their jobs on Northern,‎ Southern, Merseyrail and Greater Anglia. The strike is aimed at preventing the rail companies removing the guards from trains and operating driver only trains. The RMT rail union stated  "RMT members are standing absolutely rock solid and united this morning in these four separate disputes as they make the case for safe, secure and accessible rail service for all.”

Laibaz picket report

Manchester Solidarity Federation carried out a successful picket outside Laibaz restaurant in Bolton on Saturday 24th September. The picket was part of the campaign Manchester SF is organising against the owner of the restaurant who owes ex-employees thousands of pounds in unpaid wages. The picket was a real success with a number of people who had planned to eat at the restaurant refusing to cross the picket line. Throughout the picket we had people stopping to offer support with several people sharing their experiences of being mistreated at work. We also collected details of one person who wanted to get involved in the campaign. The local newspaper took pictures of the picket and interviewed one of the ex-employees. Several members of Manchester IWW joined the picket to add their support to the campaign.

Anti-Fascist Network Southern regional conference

The Anti-Fascist Network will be hosting a Southern Regional Conference in Reading on the 10th September. There will be workshops, talks, films, stalls with merch and books, a creche and a benefit gig/after party. More information, including a full workshop timetable, to be announced - check the AFN website for updates.

The conference will be in central Reading (location to be announced nearer the time), and doors will be at midday. There will also be an antifascist benefit gig in the evening. If you need help with travel advice and accessability please contact your closest AFN group or berksantifa[AT]riseup[DOT]net.

SolFed action in response to sacked Red Cross worker

SolFed responded to a call for international action after the sacking of a CNT member in Spain. Ana, a worker with Red Cross in Alicante, had suffered prolonged bullying by her works coordinator culminating in her wrongful sacking. Ana is a well respected substance abuse worker with years of experience. As a member of our sister union, the CNT, her sacking has initiated a campaign to see her reinstated. The sacking has thrown light on Red Cross and their vicious internal practices toward their workforce, high-lighting the fact that they are no different to any other cut-throat capitalist company.

SolFed locals responded with a communication blockade and pickets of Red Cross shops in Newcastle and Brighton.

Brighton's picket was part of a week of SolFed action, here's their report:

Newcastle Solfed Workplace Organiser Training

Sat, 14/06/2014 - 09:00
Event organiser: 
Newcastle Local SF-IWA

The Solidarity Federation Workplace Organiser Training Day, is open to all workers, apart from managers or scabs, you do not have to be a SolFed member or an anarcho-syndicalist to get involved.

If you would like to attend, please email training[AT] There will be a £5 charge to cover expenses.

local, network, collective: 
Access Layer: