The latest news and analysis from SF locals

N30 in Glasgow

The first picket I went to was at the Western Infirmary, as I knew a couple of people on the picket there. The picket was big enough, but largely symbolic as the RCN nurses were going in. I was told lots of the nurses are planning to join Unison. Later I was told one of the consultants donated £40 to the picket.

Ryanair Don't Care campaign review of 2011

In this video, John Foley shares some of the highlights of the last year of campaigning against Ryanair's exploitation of its employees. Liverpool Solidarity Federation continues to offer support to John and his direct action campaign. A member of Occupy Liverpool also explains why people at the camp support the campaign as well.

For background info on the Ryanair Don't Care Campaign, see here.


Picket against Whole Foods victimisations

Today saw the London Solidarity Federation hold a picket in support of a victimised Whole Foods worker. The action was held in conjunction with protests in Boston, New York, Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, Reno and San Francisco.

The demonstration had been called in defense of Natalia, a San Francisco Whole Foods worker who was sacked for speaking up in support of herself and her workmates and took place outside the Soho branch of Whole Foods in London.

Defend Kazakh Oil Workers!

Today saw SolFed members join a number of activists in the swanky Mayfair area of London to protest against the state killings of striking oil workers in Kazakhstan.

The demonstration took place outside the premises of the Kazakh-British Chamber of Commerce, a target that was chosen to highlight the role of British capital and the British state in the exploiting the workers in Kazakhstan’s oil communities.

More information can be found here:

Protest against "Bloody Friday" in Kazakhstan

Urgent appeal for solidarity with workers in Kazakhstan:

The authorities in Kazakhstan have shot at a rally of striking oil workers in the West city Zhanaozen.The strike of about 1,500 workers demanding higher wages and better working conditions began in May, but was banned. The Oilfield of Karazhanbas, where conflict broke out, is being developed by the company, which belongs to the Chinese concern China International Trust Investment Company and the Kazakh company "KazMunayGaz".

Liverpool council leader's false allegations at Town Hall protest

Entering the council chambers of Liverpool Town Hall during a protest against his council's cuts programme, Labour Council Leader Joe Anderson claimed: "I got kicked in my ankles and punched in the side." This was reported unquestioningly by the Liverpool Echo and by Radio City 96.7.

The following video - taken by a member of Liverpool Solidarity Federation - shows him entering the town hall, surrounded by police officers and members of the City Watch. Neither they nor Anderson react at any point as if he is physically attacked. He enters the building unscathed.

Joe Anderson is a liar, as we can all see for ourselves!


Rub a spark the wrong way and you get a wildcat

Solfed members were on the pickets in London for the biggest wildcat strike of 2011 and one of the biggest electricians' walkouts of recent years. Below we summarise some of the events around Blackfriars as thousands of electricians downed tools against the breaking of national working agreements which will mean pay cuts of up to 35% and defied an injunction against official strike action brought by Balfour's legal team just days before. Below that we've collated summaries from elsewhere.