History of the Federalist IWMA

Article by Vadim Damier at the occasion of the 140th anniversary of the Federalist International Workingmen´s Association

The “first” International Workingmen´s Association was founded in 1864 through the initiative of workers themselves but also with some participation of “politicians”.  Organizationally, it was built as an association of workers´ unions. According to the Statutes, there was no centralism. The workers of the same profession or area formed a section, all sections of any country formed a federation, and every country federation sent delegates to the General Council. This Council was purely a coordinating body - it could  not issue any decrees, instructions, etc. It was to analyze disputes and misunderstandings between the sections. All sections and federations maintained their autonomy.

Report: Combating Workfare in Birmingham

Brief report on the Boycott Workfare demo in Birmingham 3rd March.

About 60 people in Birmingham today protested against the government’s Workfare schemes, which see people forced to work for up to 6 months in order to keep their benefits for already obscenely profitable companies. Boycott Workfare had organised March 3rd as a national day of action, including London, Brighton and Belfast.

Many companies have already pulled out of the scheme due to public outcry, including, TK Maxx, Sainsburys and Waterstones. Protestors hoped that greater pressure will force more companies to pull out of the scheme.

Agency Workers Training - March 10th, London

Join North London SolFed for a presentation on the new agency workers regulations.

This free presentation is open to all.  Bring friends, workmates, or anyone who's suffered through an agency contract.

WHEN: March 10th | 4-6pm
WHERE: London Action Resource Centre, Whitechapel www.londonarc.org
CONTACT: North London Solfed | nelsf (a) solfed.org.uk | 07811 017 091

Please see attached for flier.


Horizontal Organisation In The Workplace Talk Glasgow Tues. 6th March 7pm

Tue, 06/03/2012 - 19:00 to 21:00


Event organiser: 
Glasgow Anarchists including Glasgow Solidarity Federation
Horizontal Organisation In The Workplace. A Talk by A.Rice

Tuesday 6th March


The Electron Club


350 Sauchiehall Street


G2 3JD

local, network, collective: 
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