15 18 21 events and counting!
March 31st is a national day of action against workfare. This ties in with the international days of action called by the International Workers Association (IWA) - which includes a general strike in Spain on March 29th - and the M31 European Day of Action Against Capitalism.
what is workfare? | resources | workfare factsheets
In the UK, The Solidarity Federation has called for March 31st to be focussed on direct action against workfare. And not just for a day, but as part of a concerted campaign to put an end to unpaid work. This is in support of the ongoing Boycott Workfare campaign, and is being organised in conjunction with numerous other groups and organisations. Confirmed events so far (let us know in the comments if we've missed any events or supporting groups!):
- Bournemouth (Solent SF, Bournemouth Uncut, Wessex Solidarity, Dorset IWW, Surrey / Hants Afed, BPACC, Portsmouth Anarchists)
- Brighton (Brighton SF and Brighton Benefits Campaign)
- Bristol (Bristol Anti-Cuts Alliance, Bristol SF, Right to Work, Bristol AFed, Youth Fight For Jobs & IWW)
- Edinburgh (fb) (Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty, SolFed, Edinburgh AF)
- Glasgow (Solfed, Glasgow AF and the Crutch Collective)
- Halifax (NOTE: Friday 30th - West Yorks SF)
- Hastings (Brighton SF, Hastings Anarchists)
- Huddersfield (Huddersfield Anarchists)
- Inverness (Highland Anarchists)
- Kilburn (North London SF, London AF)
- Lewisham (South London SF, London AF)
- Lincoln (Lincoln Underground Collective, Boycott Workfare)
- Liverpool (Liverpool SF, Liverpool Uncut)
- Manchester (Manchester SF - details tbc)
- Newcastle (West Yorks SF, comrades in the North East)
- Northampton (Northampton SF)
- Stroud (from 10am, Stroud Against the Cuts)
- Swindon (Swindon Anarchists, Boycott Workfare)
- Truro 10am Lemon Quay Weatherspoons (Cornwall Anti Cuts Alliance)
- Wakefield (West Yorks SF + Scottish Republican Socialist Movement)
- York (York Welfare Campaign)
A general anti-workfare leaflet is attached below as a pdf and an editable MS Word file for other groups to edit. Feel free to replace SF contact details with yours and/or modify the text.
And don't forget: Monday April 2nd, protest at CWU HQ called by rank-and-file postal workers and Boycott Workfare over the CWU's apparent support for workfare.
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WYSF will be joined by
WYSF will be joined by members of the Scottish Republican Socialist Movement (SRSM) at the picket in Wakefield.
There will also be pickets in
There will also be pickets in Glasgow (by Solfed members, Glasgow AF and the Crutch Collective) and in Inverness (by Highland Anarchists). Cheers!
Nice one! Are there links to
Nice one! Are there links to the events we can add?
There will be a picket of
There will be a picket of Holland and Barrett on Sat 31st in Newcastle also (organised by WYSF Comrades in the North East)
M31 - Graffiti Mobi Video
...ums Ganze ! TV goes M31 - fight capitalism 100% - european day of action against capitalism
M31 - Graffiti Mobi Video
Katze steigt in Kiste | Cat climbs in a box | european actionday against capitalism
There will also be a protest
There will also be a protest in Stroud, Gloucestershire, 10am onwards. Featuring at least one SF sympathiser! Will begin with H&B, but maybe others too. With involvement of local anti-cuts group members too, hopefully: http://www.stroudagainstcuts.co.uk (nothing on the protest there)
I got this sent via Facebook
I got this sent via Facebook in the comments on one of our events in claimants fight back page "We will be protesting at Primark Huddersfield", I've asked for more details but nothing as yet. Thought we could have a "unconfirmed" list to add to our list. Mike
I now know its being
I now know its being organised by Huddersfield Anarchists but still no other details