SolFed supports Boycott Workfare's Noise Demo

Mon, 02/12/2013 - 12:30

On 2nd December, those driving forced labour for unemployed people on the government's workfare schemes are getting together for their annual conference at Senate House, Malet Street, London.

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"What Is Anarcho-Syndicalism?" workshop - Sunday 24th November

Sunday 24th November, 2pm

SolFed presents "What Is Anarcho-Syndicalism?"

at the 195 Free School, 195 Mare Street, Hackney E8 3QE

As part of 195 Mare Street's Free School week, SolFed presents an introduction to anarcho-syndicalism, its place in the history of class struggle and how workplace organising and the revolutionary union apply to capitalism in the 21st Century. All welcome!

Congratulations and solidarity to the Curzon workers!

Dear Curzon workers,

Congratulations from everyone at North London SolFed for pushing management into finally recognising your union!

That spirit of self-organisation will be all the more important in the coming fight for a living wage, as the bosses will be desperately looking for ways to demobilise you, to push you into accepting recognition as the limit "this time round" so they have time to beef up their anti-union practices for next time.

Don't accept that.

You're on the front foot, you have lots of friends and the chance to win this. Recognised or not, the strength of a union is in the will of its members on the shop floor. Keep going, direct action gets the goods!

In solidarity,

North London SF

Brighton Hospitality Workers meeting

Encouraged by the positive response to our recent publicity campaign, Brighton Hospitality Workers are holding our first open meeting. This will be an opportunity for workers to meet, share experiences and discuss how we can collectively tackle issues in the workplace, no matter how seemingly minor. We’ll be promoting the benefits of workers’ self-organisation in a sector where lack of employment rights and exploitation are commonplace. Towards mutual support and solidarity - all welcome!

Monday 2nd December, 6-8 pm at the Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton BN2 4JA (near to St. Peter’s Church & opposite Co-Op supermarket).

Conference: Resisting restructuring in education (23. Nov)

Education is in turmoil. How can we build effective alliances between education workers and students, and solidarity between education establishments? Conference with talks and workshops,  organised by students and workers at Sussex university for the Education Workers Network and @occupy_sussex. Open to education workers and students.

Saturday, November 23, 2013 11:00am until 6:00pm, Community Base, 113 Queens Road, BN1 3XG Brighton

THURSDAY 14th Nov: Curzon communications blockade - Solidarity with cinema workers

Curzon Head Office has decided to close tomorrow, Friday, in anticipation of the Curzon Workers' planned communications blockade. So workers have decided to move forward the action to TODAY, THURSDAY. Please could you start doing your stuff!

Curzon workers, who have been fighting a high-profile battle for union recognition, are requesting a communications blockade of the Curzon head office. 

Please call the following managers and demand a living wage and an end to zero hours contracts for the workforce:


Rob Arthur, Operations Director: 0207 438 9521
Lynne Franks, HR Consultant: 0207 438 9500 & 07949696244

Police "obstruction" case dropped in South London

This summer, Jason, a young black man from South London, was assaulted by police officers in an unprompted attack. He had been using a public telephone when officers interrupted him and demanded he submit to a Stop and Search. When he refused, arguing the search was unjustified, officers pepper sprayed him, assaulted him and beat him to the ground. After this attack Jason was charged with obstructing a police officer.

In response, Jason and his family and friends called a number of protests outside Walworth Police Station, and Camberwell Magistrates Court, both in south London. Realising that the case of Jason was not an isolated incident, but part of the systemic criminalisation and harassment of black people by the police, these protests developed into the London Campaign Against Police and State Violence (LCAPSV).

Solidarity Federation (Edinburgh) next meeting Thurs 7th November

Thu, 07/11/2013 - 19:00

Interested in the Solidarity Federation?

Join us at our fortnightly Edinburgh local meetings. If you're elsewhere in Scotland and interested in the Solidarity Federation - contact us at

Next meetings on Thursday 7th / 21st November from 7pm. |

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Higher Education Strike on 31 October - All Out!

There is a strike in higher education on Thursday 31st October. All three big unions are walking out in fight foe decent pay.
A higher education worker and member of North London SolFed wrote a lealfet explaining what the strike is about and why solidarity both from workers and students is important.
If you work in higher education, or if you are a student, don't cross a picket line this  Thursday. Stand on it. ALL OUT FOR THE 31 OCTOBER!