Solidarity Federation Workplace Organiser Training in Bristol

Sun, 16/02/2014 - 09:00

There will be a Solidarity Federation Workplace Organiser training day in Bristol on Sunday, 16th February.

If you want to attend, please email the Training Coordinator at training[AT]

The Solidarity Federation workplace organiser training programme is designed to give workers the tools and confidence to organise in their workplaces, whether or not there's an existing union. Even if you've had training from another union, you may find the direct action based approach we adopt offers a fresh perspective.

Topics include:

local, network, collective: 
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South London Solidarity Federation support for AFEM2014

South London Solidarity Federation have agreed to support AFEM2014, an anarcha-feminist conference that is being planned for London on 19th October 2014, the day after the London Anarchist Bookfair
AFem2014 is intended to be the first in a series of international anarcha-feminist conferences.

The conference was first proposed by the Anarchist Federation, the organising group now includes representatives of the International of Anarchist Federations (IFA-IAF) and its member federations, several members of Solidarity Federation and many other anarcha-feminists.

We want to support this conference as it is in keeping with our ongoing efforts to address the gender imbalance in the Solidarity Federation and make sure people who have been marginalised within the anarchist movement can fully participate.

Met Counter-Terrorism Police accused of “a racist assault” as CPS drops charge against Black youth worker

Serious concerns are emerging about the “botched and violent” police counter-terrorist stop and subsequent arrest of a Black man in Greenwich, just over a week after the death of Drummer Lee Rigby. After Counter Terrorism police performed a ‘hard stop’(1) on the car Husani Williams’ was driving, he was arrested for possession of a Class A drug. Williams submitted a defence statement in which he denied the cocaine possession charge and the CPS took the decision this week to drop that charge. The London Campaign against Police and State Violence (2) (LCAPSV) are now demanding that SO15 (3), the Metropolitan Police Service Counter-Terrorism Command, and SO19 (4), MPS’ Specialist Firearms Command should face an independent inquiry into their “brutal and unnecessary” use of force.

Brighton: protest against state repression in Spain

Last Friday, the 27th December, Brighton SolFed members and Spanish migrant workers from the collective “Marea Granate”, were in Churchill Square supporting a coordinated international protest against the current wave of repression in Spain. The protest was in response to the call for solidarity by our Spanish comrades.

Last November, thirty workers were arrested because of their participation in an education strike. This is only one more step in the repression and intimidation strategy of the Spanish government. The increase of detentions and the new laws against the protests, show that they want ordinary people to keep quiet while they dismantle basic civil rights and attack their live conditions.

International Day of Solidarity Against State Repression in Spain

Brighton Solidarity Federation are calling for a day of solidarity with comrades in Spain currently suffering detention and harassment by the state. We'll be unfurling a banner and distributing propaganda about the situation which has reached critical levels for both the anarchist movement and the Spanish people. We are also calling for a communications blockade of the Spanish embassy and consulate in London (details of stall and blockade below). From our leaflet:

Anti-workfare picket of Lewisham Marks & Spencer Saturday 7th December

South London Solfed has called an anti-workfare picket of Lewisham Marks & Spencer in solidarity with Boycott Workfare's week of action this Saturday, 7th December at 1pm.

M&S's use of workfare made news in June when they announced 1400 new 'work experience' placements for young unemployed people would be made available. These positions are unpaid. Indeed, M&S have set a benchmark of 2% of their workforce to be unpaid. More info via Boycott Workfare here.

Let’s step up the pressure on companies who still think they can profit from unpaid work. Show M&S that exploiting unemployed people is not good for their business.

There is more information on other actions taking place this weekend on Boycott Workfare's website.


Solidarity With The Arrested Comrades For Fighting In Spain.
Against The Reform Of The New Law Of "Public Safety"

Members of Bristol Solidarity Federation answered a call-out for solidarity and showed their opposition to the recent arrest of Spanish Anti-fascists and and the introduction of punitive anti-protest laws.

Below is the text of the leaflet produced by Spaniards living in Bristol.

SolFed supports Boycott Workfare's Noise Demo

On 2nd December, those driving forced labour for unemployed people on the government's workfare schemes are getting together for their annual conference at Senate House, Malet Street, London.

ERSA, the trade body for the 'welfare to work' industry, have called their conference "Challenge and change in an evolving landscape". Those attending include Esther McVey (Minister for Employment); Stephen Timms (Shadow Minister for Employment); The Department for Work and Pensions Director of Social Justice; Chairs, Heads and Directors from workfare profiteers A4E, Avanta, Seetec, G4S, Pinnacle People, Groundwork UK, Tomorrow's People; the lead researcher from Ian Duncan Smith's thinktank, the Centre for Social Justice; and the Chief Executive of the Tax Payer's Alliance. All under one roof.