The latest news and analysis from SF locals

SolFed: A Week in the Life


The past week has seen the London Locals of the Solidarity Federation participate in and organise a variety of practical class struggle activities.

Things kicked off last Saturday when SF members attended the "March for Unity" in Dalston. Organised to protest against the social causes of the recent wave of riots, hundreds of community activists, trade unionists, parents, students, workers, and pensioners walked from Hackney to Tottenham. Anarchists marched alongside NLSF's banners as well as the London-wide ALARM banner and a number of red and black flags.

Audio: SeaSol on direct action against landlords and bosses

The first 45 minutes of last Thursday's talk in Brighton by a member of the Seattle Solidarity Network are now online. The talk covers the origins o SeaSol and the rationale behind it, as well as examples of their fights, their tactics and the anatomy of a typical struggle. After this, there was an hour's discussion of tactics, question and answers, and some more short films shown. We hope to edit together the lot into a video when we get the opportunity.

The Riots- Not just ‘’Mindless Violence’’

The following is the text of a leaflet that North London members modified from the Local's original statement, and was handed out by SolFed members in Deptford and Tottenham soon after the riots:

The fury of our estates is what it is, ugly and uncontrolled. But we all knew these riots were on the cards. Britain has hidden away its social problems for decades, surrounded by a brutal picket of cops. Benefits are being cut, social and advice centres closed, rent and unemployment is rising. People who have always had very little now have nothing, nothing to lose.

Commemorating Liverpool's Bloody Sunday, 1911

Liverpool SolFed members joined around 150  people on St George's Plateau in Liverpool city centre today to commemorate the brutal attack on workers by police that took place 100 years ago .

" We’re gathered here today, peacefully, to demonstrate our determination to win this long and terrible battle against the employing classes and the state. What does that mean? Only this. All the transport workers of Liverpool are arm-in-arm against the enemy class." 

-  speech given by strike leader Tom Mann, read it in full here. 

Meeting Thursday: Seattle Solidarity Network and community direct action

Seattle Solidarity ("SeaSol") is a volunteer network of working people who believe in standing up for our rights. Our goal is to support our fellow workers' strikes and struggles, build solidarity, and organize to deal with specific job, housing, and other problems caused by the greed of the rich and powerful.

A SeaSol activist is visiting the UK, and will be giving a talk on the group, its tactics and its battles with landlords, letting agents and employers. There will also be plenty of time set aside for questions and discussion. SolFed have been paying close attention to SeaSol, and their tactics informed the recent Office Angels campaign.