Demo - our campus is not for sale - University of Sussex

TODAY - 1pm - Library Square

Over 90% of all facilities and services at Sussex University are being sold off to private companies; Management have for months ignored petitions, meetings and demonstrations of thousands of students, staff and lecturers opposing the plans.

Student at Sussex have occupied Bramber House Conference centre to force Management to listen to students and workers on campus, and take their opinions on this seriously. Stand up to management, stand up for Sussex!

'Fighting For Ourselves' SolFed Book Launch Glasgow Fri. 1st March 7p.m.-9p.m.

Fri, 01/03/2013 - 19:00 to 21:00

'Fighting For Ourselves' Solidarity Federation Book Launch Glasgow

Event by Glasgow Solidarity Federation

Friday 1st March 19:00 until 21:00

Glasgow Social Centre, Basement, Garnethill MultiCultural Centre, 21 Rose Street, Glasgow, G3 6RE

Anarcho-Syndicalism And The Class Struggle – Solidarity Federation

Introductory talk by one of the co-authors followed by discussion

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General strike conference and a lesson in the arrogance of trade union leaders

In September 2012, TUC Congress overwhelmingly passed a resolution calling for co-ordinated national action, up to and including a general strike.

As the first step towards putting this motion into effect, a conference took place in Liverpool on 26th January organised by Merseyside Association of Trades Union Councils. Tellingly, the conference received no funding at all from the North-West TUC.

Members of our SolFed local attended, with the aim of engaging with rank-and-file trade unionists and arguing in favour of working-class self-organisation and direct action against austerity. We distributed a leaflet which read:

Calling all Freedom Lovers! A Benefit for Freedom Bookshop

Freedom, the 125 Year old anarchist bookshop was fire-bombed on February 1st.

Over 100 people came forward to carry out emergency repairs that saw the shop reopen 3 days later.

Newcastle Solidarity Federation are proud to present a benefit knees-up at Pride Café! Please come along to show your support.

All proceeds will be given to Freedom Bookshop.

Full line up of bands and DJ's (and start time) TBA.

Pride Cafe
24 Scotswood Road, NE4 7JB Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

The Pickets Continue!

Managed to cram in another Poundland picket before the nationwide week of action against workfare and our CALLING ALL FREEDOM LOVERS! A benefit extravaganza for Freedom Bookshop event on the 23th!

Positive responses from those on the streets as always, many thanks to everyone who came down to help out. Watch out for a new banner - this one is getting rather tatty (poor old thing!)

Lets keep it up!

Calling all Freedom Lovers!

Sat, 23/02/2013 - 19:30


Pride Cafe
22 -24 Westgate Road
NE4 7JB Newcastle
United Kingdom
54° 58' 31.71" N, 1° 39' 7.038" W

Newcastle SolFed are hosting a benefit knees-up for the recently firebombed anarchist bookshop Freedom. Although back up and running, Freedom need your help! Come along and show your support!

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Winning Together - Collective Identity and Workplace Action

A member of the SolFed Tech & Digital workers network recounts the building of a collective identity in their workplace, pushing a collective grievance and building on workplace victories.

I was sat at home during the christmas holidays when I recieved an email from my line manager from work. The email said that me and all of the my fellow workers in the department were to get a significant payrise, backdated to November. 'Congratulations!' said the email.

I was overjoyed. Not just because of the extra money, but because I knew full well it hadn't been given to us by the company out of the goodness of our executives' hearts, but due to a long term campaign of collective action and pressure from all of the workers in my department.

Bristol Solidarity Federation present “All our lives (De Toda La Vida)” a film about Mujeres Libres

Fri, 08/03/2013 - 19:00 to 21:00


Bristol YHA
4 Narrow Quay,
BS1 4QA Bristol,

This 1986 documentary, directed by Lisa Berger and Carol Mazer, tells the story of Mujeres Libres, the first independent women’s organisation in Spain. All the women in the film were members of the CNT (Confederacion Nacional de Trabejo) and actively participated in the social revolution during the Spanish civil war. Though as Suceso Portales puts it, they “weren’t fighting a war in the ordinary sense of one power against another: we were fighting to create a more just and humane society.”

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